What Do 1,385 Financial Advisors Know That You Don’t?

Ok, so technically the number is higher, but to keep matters clean let’s just call it 1,385 advisors, 256 in the 4th Quarter alone!  That’s how much LPL’s advisor headcount jumped in 2023.  

To quantify that further, $80 billion in recruited assets was added to LPL in 12 months by advisors walking up to the BD’s window and ordering up a cup of the kool-aid.  $80 billion worth of trust in the system LPL is running…must be some good stuff, eh?

And all signs would point to yes, right now LPL does have the good stuff.  According to FA Magazine they are the largest independent broker-dealer by gross revenue. Their GlassDoor rating is 3.9 stars with 88% approving of the job President/CEO Dan Arnold is doing. Faith in leadership and a general contentment with flying the flag are important legs on the stool, but how do they pay?

Turns out pretty good.  Transition packages are still fairly inflated across the board as the battle for top talent continues unabated.  And while LPL doesn’t always offer the biggest packages, transition support, multiple channel options, and product selection, and that harmony that comes from things firing on all cylinders makes it quite likely they’ll continue to add advisors at a clip other BDs secretly wish for.

So what’s keeping you from at least entertaining an offer?  When was the last time you dipped your toe in the water to see what you were worth?

If you’d like to see an offer from LPL while remaining 100% anonymous click here and we’ll do the legwork for you.  We can also share with you more inside baseball details on how LPL shapes up versus where you are right now.  You might be in the right place right now, too.  But with no risk, its worthwhile being at least being a bit curious.

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Transition packages from top regional and national broker-dealers like LPL, Ameriprise, Wells Fargo, RBC, Cetera, Dynasty, UBS, and more.