Assets Move: The Question Is Should You?

The number one fear among financial advisors considering a move to a new broker-dealer is this: “Will my assets move with me?” And it’s not hard to understand why. After all, wealth management requires some wealth to manage, and you’ve likely worked hard to cultivate the assets you currently oversee. The thought of losing any portion of that hard-earned book of business can be daunting.

But here’s the good news—assets do move, and overwhelmingly so. In this article, we break down exactly why clients move their assets with their advisors (spoiler alert: it’s more common than you think) and how you can make the process smoother for yourself and your clients.

A Frictionless Process

One of the most significant hurdles advisors used to face when moving to a new firm was the administrative burden. Repapering accounts, coordinating compliance, and keeping clients in the loop could take months of intense effort. But broker-dealers have evolved, and today, the process is designed to be almost effortless for advisors.

Firms now deploy entire teams whose sole purpose is to handle these complex transitions. These transition teams take care of repapering, regulatory paperwork, and asset transfers, so you don’t have to. In fact, some broker-dealers go as far as flying in teams to your office, taking over the logistics while you focus on communicating with your clients. With this kind of support, the headache of transitioning assets is almost non-existent.

Clients Love You, Not the Firm’s Name on the Door

Let’s face it—while the brand name on the door has some cachet, clients are ultimately loyal to *you*, not the firm. After years of providing sound advice, personalized strategies, and seeing your clients through both calm and stormy markets, they trust your guidance. The data backs this up: according to the JD Power Financial Advisor Satisfaction Survey, 63% of investors say they would leave their firm to follow their advisor if he or she left. This statistic speaks volumes about the bond advisors build with their clients over time.

Clients value the relationship they’ve built with their advisor far more than the brand behind them. When you decide to make a move, as long as you clearly communicate how it benefits them, your clients will be right there with you.

Moving Toward Something Engages Excites Clients

Advisors don’t just move away from something—they often move *toward* something better. Whether it’s better technology, access to a wider range of investment options, or an enhanced client experience, a new broker-dealer can offer fresh opportunities that directly benefit your clients.

When you frame your move as a positive step forward—whether it’s cutting-edge financial tools, innovative products, or streamlined services—clients see it as an upgrade. They’re not just following you because they trust you; they’re excited about the new possibilities your move brings to their financial future.

Why Working with a Transition Consultant Matters

Even though the process of moving is much easier today, having an expert guide can be invaluable. That’s where working with a transition consultant like 3xEquity comes in. At 3xEquity, we specialize in helping advisors make the smoothest possible transition by acting as your personal guide through the process. We handle the negotiations, secure offers, and coordinate the move so you can focus on your clients.

Best of all, you remain 100% anonymous while exploring offers, allowing you to evaluate your options without the pressure of committing right away. With 3xEquity, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that every detail is managed, and you can secure the best deal for your future without disrupting your current business.

Assets Move—Should You?

In today’s environment, the question “Will my assets move with me?” is increasingly answered with a resounding yes. The process is easier than ever, client loyalty is tied to you, and the potential to offer better services excites clients. In fact, the JD Power survey noted above reports that the average annual production of defecting advisors is nearly $800,000 per year, showing that high-performing advisors are making the leap—and their clients are following.

So, don’t let fear hold you back. Assets move, and with the right support from a transition consultant like 3xEquity, your career can too. Secure your offers today while remaining completely anonymous, and take the next step toward a brighter future for both you and your clients.

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