On Which Shoulder Does Your BD Sit?

We’ve all seen the angel and the devil on the shoulder play out in the movies − after all, it’s a classic Hollywood trope. At the crossroads of an important decision, poof… in come these opposing influencers to try their best to sway the character towards their definition of the right or wrong choice.  

Well, that’s just in the movies… right? The reality is, we all face tough decisions and temptations − and it’s our internal struggle on making the right decision that weighs on our own shoulders. It’s the same with choosing a new broker-dealer and the initial decision on whether it’s time to part ways with them. 

Let’s face it, broker-dealers have the ability to play both roles, and over the course of time, might even seem like they are switching roles. You fear the broker-dealer that’s keeping you from finding growth and forward movement for your book of business. They may not be providing you with the technology, resources, and practice management that you need to take your business to the next level and have it truly flourish. They may seem like they are limiting your independence or bogging you down and wasting time that is better spent on focusing on your clients. 

At first, your broker-dealer may have been the angel sent from heaven that fulfilled your every want and need. But as you and your business have evolved, have they? Are you still getting what you need to be successful? No matter how long you’ve been with your current broker-dealer, it’s time to take a long, hard look at each shoulder and reassess what side you think they are on. After all, the decision on where you build your business and career ultimately rests on your shoulders!  

If you think it’s time to find a new broker-dealer, let 3xEquity be your guiding angel. We’ll help you every step of the way as you switch broker-dealers. In a matter of days, we will secure you offers from some of the top national and regional broker-dealers and ensure that you’re getting everything you want from your new partnership.

Click here to find the broker-dealer of your dreams. 

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