What You’re Looking For

We often hear “But I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” ringing through our ears, and it’s not because the great U2 song is playing through our speakers. It’s because advisors are trying to do their best by their clients and advance their careers — and that means they are on the move looking to find the best possible home to achieve their goals. 


Every year, advisors choose to broaden their horizons and look for a new home for their business. With technology advancements, emerging alternative investment products, and new broker-dealer hybrid models, it only makes sense to stay current and have a firm grasp on the value of their book or business and the additional support you could receive by making a big move. 


Many advisors opt to take the DIY route and go about finding a new firm on their own. Both time and labor-intensive, this approach leaves a lot to be desired. After all, you are busy 24-7 helping your clients and are an expert in being a financial advisor, not a transition specialist like we are at 3xEquity. Additionally, many advisors fail to remember that when you work with 3xEquity, there is no cost to the advisor as the group that you will call your new home covers our fees.


We are well versed in the many offers and models out there, from wirehouses to straight RIAs and everything in between, and make it easy to navigate your options and identify the best ones to pursue. That’s why we suggest starting the search process with us for the onset versus coming to us looking for help after not being able to find what you’re looking for on your own.  


At 3xEquity, we work hard to help advisors find the home for their business that they’re looking for. As industry-leading Transition Specialists, we help make finding the right fit an efficient and successful process. So, if you haven’t been able to find what you’re looking for, here are 3 reasons why you should work with us:

  • We’re in the Know

We help hundreds of advisors make a move and find a new home for their business every year. As a result, we can provide advisors with the latest information and data from the firms their considering. This includes an inside look at their culture, what they’re offering, and their latest figures. We stay in the know so you can feel confident about making a well-informed decision.

  • We’ve Got the Connections

By helping those hundreds of advisors make a move every year, we form great relationships with the firms they end up calling home. Over the years, we’ve built strong connections with top national and regional broker-dealers. We can help you find exactly what you’re looking for from your next broker-dealer. In just a few days, we can secure you multiple offers from the best broker-dealers around — and all while you stay 100% anonymous. 

  • We Learn from Your Experiences

Every advisor has their own experience when it comes to making a move. No two moves are the same, nor are the motivations behind them. 3xEquity puts out a yearly survey so we can better learn what advisors need and are looking for and use those insights to help advisors better navigate their transitions. By better understanding the advisor pain points, motivations, and types of moves, and incorporating those insights into our process, we set ourselves apart as the best in our space. 


It’s easy to get frustrated when you search all around and still can’t find what you’re looking for — so don’t go it alone. Partnering with 3xEquity gives you an expert in your corner to do all the heavy lifting associated with identifying your unique needs and searching for the best home for your business. It’s time for you to finally find what you’re looking for — just fill out the form below and we’ll get the process started. Remember, a brighter future is just a click away. Complete the form below and secure your offers today.

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Transition packages from top regional and national broker-dealers like LPL, Ameriprise, Wells Fargo, RBC, Cetera, Dynasty, UBS, and more.