What does pick-up of $1.7B advisor say about Ameriprise?

Earlier this month AdvisorHub reported on the transition of Jennifer A. Marcontell from Edward Jones to Ameriprise.  Typically a broker moving away from Jones wouldn’t be a blip on the radar screen, let alone warrant a front-page article, but seemingly nothing about this move was typical…

Jones’ Biggest Broker Bails

Marcontell was likely Edward Jones’ largest advisor by AUM with $1.7 billion in client assets, which in itself may leave many scratching their head – how did a broker grow a practice to that size in what many consider to be a second (or third) tier firm?

A Talented Advisor Can Build Anywhere

Give credit to Marcontell for growing her practice truly the old-fashioned way.  She spent 22 years with Jones, meaning at least a portion of that time was under Jones’ old knocking-on-doors model, so she pounded the pavement to build up such impressive numbers.

Building A Better Future For Her Bench

Marcontell released a statement noting that she moved in part to “provide more opportunities for her team members.”  How many advisors consider their team as a prime motivator when making a move?  

and finally…Ameriprise Is Every Ounce A Big League Franchise 

Don’t take our word for it, take the word of an advisor willing to put $1.7B on the table.  If you had any questions about Ameriprise being able to deliver top-tier service to high-net-worth folks (and the team that has worked so hard to cultivate those relationships), imagine being a fly on the wall during the negotiations of this deal.  Ameriprise likely rolled out a lot of proof in order to secure the deal and we’ll be eager to dig into that as time goes on. Congrats to Marcontell and the Ameriprise teams, hopefully this is a fruitful partnership. 

Needless to say if you’ve thought perhaps you were too big or too complex to find a better fit in the past, the time to rethink that is right now.  Bds are staffed up to assist with your transition and their efforts, plus big incentives, make moving very enticing.

If you are curious to learn more and would like to secure multiple offers (including from Ameriprise), all while remaining 100% anonymous, complete the form below.  

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