Tis The Season

For advisors that are thinking about making a move, the special gift on their wish list may be any number of improvements to client services, technology, infrastructure, and payouts. But one thing is for certain, a large majority of advisors that made a move in 2022 were motivated by growth potential—according to our 2022 Advisor Survey.  


As industry-leading Transition Consultants, 3xEquity conducts an annual study to gain valuable insights and better understand why advisors decide to move. The 2022 results are in, and the top three reasons cited for advisors making a move may be just what you are looking for on your own list!


Higher Payout + Better Terms

The “Big Fat Check” factor heads up the top three reasons cited by advisors, with almost 39% indicating that a higher payout was a major reason for making a move and 31% listing a ‘package too good to pass up’ as a determining factor. We not only have the latest information on competitive payouts, but we also help advisors understand the nuanced terms and confusing language that is layered throughout many contracts. Our job is to give you clear visibility into the offers we secure so you can make the most informed decision. 


Technology + Platform Improvements 

We all know that robust technology is one of the key factors for advisor success and our 2022 Study affirmed it again this year. But we also know that keeping up with, more or less staying ahead of, the technology curve can be expensive and challenging. From better client experiences to streamlined processes, advisors are looking for broker-dealers that committed to better tech and we know how to help them find it!



Growth Potential + Client Service

Keeping clients happy and being able to articulate why you are making a move is also critical. From avoiding client attrition to doing best by the relationships that you’ve spent your career developing, advisors often worry about whether their clients will make the move with them. Good news, of the advisors surveyed, the majority were able to move over 85% of their AUM to their new broker-dealer. 


If finding a new and better home for your book of business is on your list this season, let us start shopping the market for you. In a matter of days, we can secure multiple offers from leading national, regional, and local broker-dealers—all while you stay 100% anonymous. We then help you with developing a short list of candidates, doing the proper due diligence, and negotiating the best deal. 


Best of all, when you work with 3xEquity versus taking the DIY route, you save time and money, as our fees are covered by the new broker-dealer that you will select as your new home. If you’re ready to grow, complete the form below to get the process started.

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