The Time For Succession Planning Is Now

  • The Great Resignation Continues
  • Finra’s Heads Up on Succession
  • Preparing for the Unexpected


The COVID-19 pandemic has slowly become an integrated part of our lives, with spikes coming and going just as we see with the flu every year. While it’s gotten to the point where it is no longer imposing drastic changes to our day-to-day lives, it did usher in a big cultural change when it comes to our work. 

The Great Resignation has been one of the many important movements to define the past few years in the wake of the pandemic. In 2021, we saw a great number of people choosing to leave their jobs, with many opting to retire early—and advisors were no exception. Despite a small slowdown in the number of resignations, it’s expected that many will resign in the coming months.

In light of the Great Resignation and the state of the financial sector, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Finra) has issued a regulatory notice that is encouraging broker-dealers and registered representatives to have succession plans in place. While they are not mandating succession plans, it’s coming as a strong suggestion as the average age of reps continues to rise. 

At 3xEquity, we have seen the Great Resignation first-hand—helping many advisors make their big move to line up a better retirement. We believe now more than ever, it’s important that advisors and their firms have a solid retirement or succession plan in place. The unexpectedness of the pandemic and the rise in sudden retirements, as a result, has shown just how instrumental a proper succession can be for keeping you, your clients, and your retirement prepared for the unknown. 

Succession plans may not be mandated, but broker-dealers are required to have business continuity plans and update them annually laying out the firm’s plans in the case of an emergency or business disruption. In light of the Finra’s notice, advisors should be sure to check in and see what plans their firms have in place, especially if they’re nearing retirement. If the current succession or continuity plans aren’t up to par, they may want to consider finding a new home for their business—and we can help.

As an industry-leading Transition Specialist, 3xEquity can help you find a new home for you and your clients that has the best succession plan in place for your business. Don’t worry about spending extra time exploring your options, because we do all the heavy lifting; you can stay focused on your business. Don’t worry about extra costs or fees that you think you may incur, because our services come at no cost to you—being covered by the new firm you select as your new home.

In a matter of days, our experts will secure you multiple offers from top firms, all while you stay 100% anonymous. Don’t keep your future and retirement legacy up in the air. It’s time to get your retirement and succession plans lined up so you are ready when you decide to join the Great Resignation. Fill out the form below to find a firm that will give you the picturesque ride into the sunset that you deserve. 

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