The Hidden Opportunity In A Down Market

The past few quarters have been a whirlwind, to say the least. Not too long ago, your trailing twelve month (T12) was likely at record highs. The market was continuing its record-breaking streak, reaching all-time highs early in 2022. Then, the longest-running bull market quickly turned, delivering a 20%+ decline in the S&P 500.

Fast forward to today and the recording-breaking market seems like a distant memory. Conversely, the market’s decline and impact on investors and client portfolios is all we think about. All the while the downturn is starting to affect your T12. And as advisors know, the domino effect goes from the market decline to your T12 going down to transition packages and offers following suit. 

So, what does this shift in the market and T12 mean for advisors looking to make a move? As industry-leading Transition Specialists, 3xEquity is starting to see transition packages sliding lower than we witnessed a year ago. In the current market condition, some advisors that want to make a move might think the best option is to wait it out and make a move when the market is better. The rationale for delaying a big move is that they believe they can get more in the way of a transition package — but the truth of the matter is, acting sooner is the smarter move – here’s why.

The decline in the market is no longer a what-if. We’re living it and as much as we may hope that the market is going to turn around, the decline is a historical fact now — it’s happened and there’s no denying it. Chances are those that are optimistic about the market and its ability to bounce back are likely clamoring for capital to invest. And there is a great way to find this capital.

Instead of waiting for the bounce back and the potential of a larger transition package, the time to act is now. Sure, transitioning now might result in a slightly lower offer than you would have gotten back at the beginning of the year, but it also comes with an intriguing opportunity. By making a move now, a transition package offers the opportunity for a large cash infusion, which in turn can be used to invest in a market perhaps poised to rebound, and possibly surpass the highs of even just a few months ago. 

While on the surface it might look like you could be leaving money on the table by making a move now due to the status of the market. In reality, the time to make a move could very well be right now. That cash infusion could be the best opportunity for striking while the market is down and prime yourself for big returns when the market bounces back. 

If you’re ready to take advantage of the current market conditions and make a smart move, look to 3xEquity to be your Transition Specialist. We’ll help the transition run smoothly and provide the support you need to negotiate the best transition package possible. In a matter of days, we’ll secure offers from leading broker-dealers, all while you stay 100% anonymous. So don’t delay making a move, you have nothing to lose by exploring your options and everything to gain. Fill out the form below to get the process started.

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