The Hidden Dangers Of A Comfortable Chair

It’s a universal human trait for us to seek out comfort. Our comfort zone is the place that brings us happiness and peace of mind. The sense of safety and predictability make the ins and outs of the day easier to handle and help to ease the worries on our minds. Advisors get in a stride, reach a good place, and feel comfort from their success to date and find their own comfort zone. But is it possible to be too comfortable?

The hidden danger is complacency. Your daily routine is manageable, if not enjoyable, and your earnings are at a level that you had only hoped to achieve early in your career. And before you know it, you’ve been sitting in the same chair for 20 years… albeit a fairly comfy one. In some cases you miss out on new opportunities for growth, both personally and professionally, because you’ve become so accustomed to where you are that you don’t open your eyes to what else might be around. 

At 3xEquity we’ve been seeing a trend of advisors reaching out to us that have been with the same broker-dealer for 20+ years. Why? Greener pastures… a reinvigorated passion to grow… the realization that they may be missing out… the list goes on. So, while being in the same place for 20 years can feel comfortable, the time to get outside your comfort zone and test the waters is now. 

Don’t take the easy path and make excuse after excuse for not making a move. Work with us and we will show you just how easy it is to see what opportunities await. By reaching outside of your comfort zone, you take the first steps toward new heights.

So, ask yourself, are you too comfortable where you are? If you find yourself unsure how to answer that question, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself these questions.

What new industry innovations and resources am I not taking advantage of?

The industry is constantly evolving. But when you’re too deep into your comfort zone, it’s easy to be blind to the changes happening around us. You might be missing new opportunities for growth and the chance to enhance the client experience because you don’t keep a close eye on current and emerging technology, trends, or broker-dealer packages.

Is there another way of viewing my business and uncovering new areas for growth?

Sometimes, a change of scenery is exactly what we need to see your business from a different point of view. When you’re with the same broker-dealer for a long period of time, chances are you don’t bother to re-evaluate your business, goals, and potential areas for growth as often as you should. You also become accustomed to what you’re given in terms of support for your growth efforts. You need a fresh, outside perspective to really see if you’re getting all that you’re worth. 

Are there technology and tools that I can’t use because my broker-dealer doesn’t have them?

Technology has become an integral part of running a business and having the right technology and tools is pivotal for those that want to remain competitive and be successful. If you’re creating ‘workarounds’ to get by without having access to a certain technology, it’s time to see what other advisors are leveraging. Making a move can be a great opportunity for advancing your tech stack and giving your clients the best experience possible. 

Am I delaying a move and big payday that my clients will embrace and will improve how I run my business?

One of the big perks of making a move is the payday that comes with it. So why wouldn’t you consider a move if it won’t hurt your business, and more than likely will help it? At the end of the day, your clients love you, not necessarily the name on the door. Your success is their success and making a move can be beneficial for both parties. Our job is to help you find the right broker-dealer that satisfies or exceeds all your needs.

As you think through some of these questions, don’t let your comfort get in the way of being honest with yourself. Finding a new home for your business could be the change you need to take your business to the next level. 

Working with 3xEquity gives you the opportunity to venture outside your comfort zone without any risk. You get to stay 100% anonymous while we help you explore all your options. 3xEquity will be by your side the entire way, serving as your sounding board and helping you get the best deal possible, so you can move forward with confidence. We make going outside your comfort zone easy. Click here to see a brighter future.

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