The Best Time For A Move

  • Strategically Timing a Move
  • Capitalizing on Growth
  • Get Paid Twice Strategy

When it comes to making the move to a new firm, there’s never going to be a best or worst time to switch firms. Advisors will always be able to come up with reasons why now isn’t the best time to start exploring their options and push a move off to a later date. When things are going well, you don’t want to disrupt the rhythm you have going. When things are challenging, such as with the current market conditions, you don’t want to risk putting your clients more on edge and driving them into the hands of another advisor. But is that way of looking at your career truly best for you and your clients?

Don’t make it your job to talk yourself out of making a move. There will always be risks and fears that will be scratching at the surface trying to dissuade you from making a move. As an industry-leading Transition Specialist, 3xEquity knows that more often than not, these advisor fears and risks don’t come to fruition; and that a majority of advisors that make a move are happy they did. At the end of the day, you’ve put in the work to build strong relationships with your clients, increasing the chances of them transitioning to your new firm, don’t sell yourself and your career short. Let us help you make an educated decision on the viability of making a move to a better home for both you and your clients. 

So, remember, while there may never be a perfect time to switch to a new firm, timing is everything and there are certain times in an advisor’s career that are optimal for making a move. Here are two great times that you should strongly consider:


When you’re growing

It might seem counterintuitive to move when things are going great and you’re on an uptick with your clients but moving while growing will get you some of the best offers for your business and can open the door for new strategies for even more growth. Firms will offer more money and a better overall deal to advisors that they see with good growth and earnings potential. Advisors on a growth path can capitalize on their recent success and get more money for their business, but not if they are complacent or bask in their current success. Action is needed and 3xEquity is here to help give you the industry intelligence to see your options and make an informed decision based on facts versus fear.

 When retirement is just around the corner

When advisors are on the tail end of their career and reaching the point where it’s almost time to retire, there’s a double payday strategy that can be used to get the most monetary value for your career’s work. Advisors can make a move to a new firm and sign a nice transition bonus with their offer. Then when it comes time to retire, they can get paid again for handing off their book of business. Some firms will have requirements on how long you need to be with the firm in order to get the most for your business. 3xEquity recommends making a move when you’re 10 to 12 years out from entering retirement. We’ll talk you through the strategy and show you how much your book of business could be worth. 

Making a move can come with benefits for both the advisor and their clients. But being strategic about the timing of your move can be the solution to getting the most for your business—and we will show you how. Let the 3xEquity team go to work on your behalf. We will help you explore your options and serve as your sounding board. If you choose now is a great time to make a switch, we’ll help you throughout the entire transition process, securing you offers, setting up meetings, and negotiating the best deal possible. Fill out the form below and start planning the best time for your move—a brighter future is just a click away.

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