Taking A Client First Approach

    • Keeping Your Clients Happy
    • Building Strong Relationships
    • The Power of a Fresh Start

When it comes down to it, the name of the financial advisor game is building relationships. And that means keeping clients on track towards reaching their goals and, in a word, happy. Dedicated advisors work day-in and day-out to accomplish these, and in doing so, gain their client’s trust and keep their relationship flourishing. 

Happy clients result in a prosperous business, but the truth of the matter is keeping clients happy is no easy task. There’s a lot that goes into every advisor-client relationship, some of which are at the forefront and front and center, while other aspects of the relationship happen more behind the scenes… such as the dynamic that exists between the advisor and the broker-dealer. 

Bottom line — the support an advisor is receiving from their broker-dealer has a big impact on client satisfaction. Adequate support and operational efficiencies free up time for advisors to spend more time focusing on their clients and addressing their needs, concerns, and questions. And don’t forget, time can also be spent on attracting new clients too. And, with the rising importance of technology, a broker-dealer with top-tier tech platforms that enhance the client experience, like digital onboarding, can make a world of difference. 

The investment style, instruments, and procedures an advisor’s current broker-dealer mandates, favors, or supports are also a big part of the client satisfaction equation. If you start feeling limited or unable to provide clients with what they are looking for, that’s a big warning sign — and we all know what happens next if left unchecked. 

So, if you get a rumbling that your clients aren’t happy, it’s up to you to do something about it — and we are here to help provide you with the guidance needed to make the smart choice. After all, finding a new broker-dealer might be the fresh start you need and the support your clients deserve. Don’t you owe it to yourself and your clients to find the best home for your business?

Let 3xEquity help you keep your clients happy and relationships strong. We’ll get you multiple offers from the top national and regional broker-dealers in just a few days — all while you stay 100% anonymous. From there we help make sure everything gets addressed on your wish list and find the best fit for your business. If you’re worried about the time it might take, don’t be. We’ve helped advisors transition to a new broker-dealer in just a few weeks. 

Click here to get the process started today. 

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