Starting Off The 3rd Quarter Strong

The end of the 2nd quarter is here, and it’s been a tumultuous one, to say the least. The markets have been all over the place, leaving clients on edge and concerned about their investments. Advisors have had a lot on their plates as they try to ease their client’s worry and reassure them that their financial futures are secure.

It’s in times like this where your broker-dealer’s true colors come out. Have they shined while going above and beyond in trying to help you during this time of crisis? Are they providing you with the support you need to reassure your clients? What plans do they have in place to help counteract times of extreme market volatility? Seeing how your broker-dealer performs during tough times and if they are helping you to persevere your client relationships is a big indicator as to whether or not it’s a suitable home for your business. 

As you evaluate the first two quarters of 2022, be sure to include your broker-dealer in that evaluation. Take a critical look at what they’ve helped you accomplish and the areas where you wish you were getting more support. Create a list of what they’ve done well and where they’re lacking. Then, whether you’ve considered a move or not, come to 3xEquity. We are an industry-leading Transition Specialist and can help you find a new home for your business that fills in those gaps and more. In fact, we can secure you multiple offers from leading national, regional, and local broker-dealers in a matter of just a few days.

As industry experts, we help hundreds of advisors transition every year and have relationships with broker-dealers, so you can be sure you’re getting all that you want out of a new partnership. Working with 3xEquity also means that there’s no risk — or expense — to seeing what else is out there. You stay 100% anonymous and there’s no price to pay, whether you ultimately decide to stay where you are or make that move to a new and better home for your book of business. 

The current financial landscape is a tough one to navigate with your clients. You deserve to get the support to best address their needs during these critical times. If you’re not satisfied with your current arrangement or feel that there must be a better fit, let 3xEquity show you all your options. With so many attractive offers being made, you can not only find a better home for your business but there’s also a potential big payday.

Start the 3rd quarter feeling confident in your partnership with your broker-dealer and their ability to provide the support you need for success. And remember, when you work with 3xEquity, you do not incur expenses and stay 100% anonymous, so a brighter future and better home for your business is well within your reach. Just fill out the form below to start the new quarter off strong.

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