Market Counsel broke advisor conferences forever…and why that’s a good thing

Our marketing guy Marc Sanders parachuted into the Market Counsel Summit in Las Vegas this week to conduct some interviews for the next episode of The FA Show, our collaboration with AdvisorHub, and he came away convinced that Brian Hamburger, and his team had pulled off something incredible…they created a safe space for one of the most important conversations most advisors are not having right now.

To be fair, significant credit should go to editor Dianna Britton and several brave advisors who joined her on stage and screen for what would be a pin-drop silent panel that left many advisors counting their blessings and no doubt asking themselves some difficult questions.

The session titled “Sustaining, Enduring and Thriving Through a Crisis” was based on Britton’s podcast The Healthy Advisor which focuses on exploring “…some of the deepest struggles and hardships that many advisors face and bring these issues out into the open so that others may find healing.”  From overcoming (and continuing to battle physical) illness, to the strains of mental health, the discussion was shockingly frank and in that, supremely beneficial in reminding advisors that they are not alone.

If there are to be positive takeaways from the Covid-era, it is the willingness to enter into conversations like this.  Conversations where in some cases not everything goes right, not everyone survives, where people struggle, where success isn’t guaranteed…what author Brene Brown would twist upwards to note as people having a real human experience.

As advisors, we often take pride in being the problem solvers for our clients, the ones capable of stepping back and seeing the whole situation and offering the best path forward.  Sometimes this means uncovering some ugly things, but often the only way forward is by addressing them.

How often do we do this work for ourselves though? How could we better serve our clients if we walked some of these paths ourselves? How could we relate on a deeper level with them by sharing the work we have done and the tools that have helped us?

It was even suggested that there is a business benefit to being more open with our clients. We strive to develop long-lasting bonds with clients, and shared experience and real connections can be the path to a growing and more satisfying business.

One of our mantras here at 3xEquity is you’ve gotta keep breaking things in order to get better.  Thanks Dianna, Brian, and all who participated in the panel.  So glad you broke down the barrier to these conversations, on the main stage in front of an audience of industry folks with real influence on the lives of so many.

Here are several episodes of Dianna’s podcast that featured panelists:

The Healthy Advisor: Rebuilding Healthy Habits After Traumatic Loss With Jonathan DeYoe

The Healthy Advisor: Healing From Physical and Mental Abuse of the Past

Transparency with Diana B.: How John Hyland Fought Cancer and Won—Three Times

Here’s to hoping for once that not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

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