Making A Move In A Volatile Market

  • Finding the Right Time for Making a Big Move
  • Navigating a Move Amidst Market Uncertainty
  • Leveraging for the Best Transition Package

We don’t need to tell you just how volatile the financial markets have been this year. You’ve been dealing with it day in and day out, trying to reassure your clients and ease their concerns. It’s been a tough row to hoe, especially if your current broker-dealer has left you to fend for yourself. But as the markets continue to fluctuate, and more advisors start feeling like they would be better cared for at a new broker-dealer, it begs the question of what effect current market volatility will have on advisor transitions. 

Many advisors have chosen to put making a move on the backburner during this time of volatility, out of fear of adding more client uncertainty and worry while portfolios are already down. Additionally, increased client-service demands have played a role in advisors choosing to wait until things have settled down before making a move. But does that make sense?

The facts are that despite the volatility and uncertainty surrounding the market, you’ve put in the work to earn your client’s trust and if the move is right for you and ultimately them, then chances are they’ll follow your lead. And keep in mind, when you work with a Transition Specialist like 3xEquity, we do all the heavy lifting – from securing offers to helping define a short-list, to getting our insights on the best packages and prepping for negotiations. So, time is not the issue. Cost? Our services are covered by the group that you select as your new home. So cost is not an issue either.

There are a lot of big packages and enticing offers out there and with your income likely down, it might be the perfect time to take a transition package and end up at a firm that is a better fit for you and your clients. After all, there’s never a perfect time to make a move — there’s always something that comes up that can tempt you into putting it off. So even if you’re just thinking that the time, while not ideal, has come, don’t hesitate. 3xEquity is here to help you find a better home for your business and make the move easy — no matter what the status of the market is. 

Remember, when you work with an independent transition consultant like 3xEquity, you get access to unbiased advice and expertise from a team that’s well versed in all aspects of a transition. We’ve got current data and information on top broker-dealers as well as insights into their culture, support, technology, and compliance. 

If you’re curious about making a move and want an expert to guide you through it, fill out the form below. Your answers are confidential, and nothing will be shared with any firm until you say so.

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