Delaying Gratification For A Better Deal

With constant advances in technology, we’ve come to expect almost everything at a click of a button. Online orders arrive on our doorstep in just a couple of days, if not within a few hours. That ‘big play’ in a critical game 7 that everyone’s talking about can be found instantly on social media. Just ask Siri or google… and voilà, you have your answer. We’ve become so used to getting everything in an instant that we often don’t look far enough ahead and leverage delayed gratification to get a better deal out of the situation. 

While instant gratification can be great, it needs to be viewed through the lens of, “At what cost?” to be fully understood. Advisors looking to make a big move need to look beyond the immediate benefits of the move to get the best deal, as well as the big payout. As industry-leading Transition Specialists, 3xEquity knows it is easy for advisors to get caught up in the big payday that might come as a result of making a move. That large payout figure can keep you from focusing in on the specifics of the deal and how this firm will be beneficial to you and your clients in the long run. 

“Strike While the Iron is Hot” versus “Looking Before You Leap”

Advisors trying the DIY route should delay making a move to take the time to do proper due diligence and ensure that they end up in the right spot. It is a monumental step for those looking for a better long-term place to call home. However, it’s not easy to perform this critical review and it’s even harder to wait and have patience when a big deal is on the table. Here’s the good news, when you work with us, you don’t have to wait to get the due diligence you need or try and interpret the nuances of the deal terms and language. 

Helping hundreds of advisors make the big move each year, puts us in a position where we can help you make the informed decision — one that balances the payout being offered and the long-term suitability of the new broker-dealer you are considering. After all, some firms will try and entice you with a big offer in order to shift the focus away from some of their less than spectacular attributes. For those looking for new levels of growth and support to achieve their goals, you need to make sure that you look at the specifics of an offer and what kind of support the firm provides over the long haul. 

Working with 3xEquity allows advisors to get the gratification that comes from making a big move without having delays or gaps in due diligence. We make transitions quick and easy by keeping you fully informed of all the points of consideration that are needed to make the right decision. We help ensure that you find the best home for your business while getting the best transition package possible. 

With unmatched expertise, we make sure you understand the nuanced language of all the deals we bring to the table and know what to expect from a potential firm. In just a matter of days, we can secure you multiple offers from leading national, regional, and local broker-dealers — and our services come at no cost to you — our fees are covered by the firm you elect to call your new home. Now, that’s instant gratification!

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