Choosing The Right Firm – Culture Edition

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to making the decision on where to call home, some of which should hold a lot of weight in an advisor’s final decision. One of the important considerations should be a potential firm’s culture. In fact, according to a study by AdvisorHub and Edward Jones, 90% of the survey’s 522 respondents indicated that their broker-dealer’s culture was ‘important to me.’ 


Culture is intrinsically linked to a financial advisor’s success, growth, and overall ability to provide the best service for their clients. Finding a firm that is culturally a fit is more than just getting along with the people who would be around you; it’s about finding a place that aligns with an advisor’s core beliefs and values. Having a shared goal and outlook for the future is a core component of building a mutually beneficial, long-lasting relationship.


Another aspect of culture is the support being offered. Would you have access to management? Is the support staff filled with people who genuinely want to help? Are they willing to listen to and act upon your concerns? These are all questions that can help you get down to the root of a firm’s culture and their ability to help you achieve success. Talking to people who have worked or are currently working at a firm is a great way to get a good sense of a firm’s culture and what to expect if you were to work there. 


As they say, culture is king. A strong culture can be the difference maker between a firm where you can find some success and a firm where you can fully thrive and break through the ceiling to find success. So, when it comes time to meet with potential new broker-dealers, advisors need to make a point to assess their culture and more deeply understand what they’re all about. 

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