Busting The Free Lunch Myth

It’s no surprise that clients contact their advisors more often in times of uncertainty.  Rising rates, market volatility, geopolitical unrest, banking turmoil and more have meant advisors’ schedules are more filled up than in recent years. 

For many advisors eyeing 2023 as the year they want to transition to a new broker-dealer, these events may have actually made it harder to find the time to start or continue their transition, which can be problematic because the financial and operational incentives of a move are still very strong.  

How is an advisor supposed to choose between their client’s needs and their own?

The Answer: You don’t have to choose.

Previously on our blog we’ve made a case for why leveraging the knowledge and resources of a transition consultant like 3xEquity makes sense, we think there are even more reasons to now – given how tight your schedule might have gotten.

Market Volatility

 Clients once content to watch their portfolios grow and grow are now gripping tighter to each account statement.  For so many advisors this is where we shine, but it means any free time that could be put towards researching a move is likely getting eaten up.  Here’s where 3xEquity can step in and handle your transition for you, from securing multiple offers to keeping you on track with meetings and VIP visits.


Best Fit/Biggest Package

Even if you had time to reach out to a potential BD to start the process you would probably be limited in the scope of research and connections you can make.  Engaging with each BD can take hours, and even then you may not have gathered enough information to make a decision that puts you in the best position to succeed – there may still be too many unknown unknowns.

Here too 3xEquity can step in and lift part of the burden.  Each year we assist hundreds of advisors in their transition journey and vet each BD (in fact, we have relationships with over 200 of them).  Plus, we see offers all the time, so we know what each BD is offering at any moment and we know when you have maxed out the potential payout from a specific BD (often advisors leave money on the table because they don’t know how far they can push – we help with that).

Whatever your reason, reaching out to a transition consultant like 3xEquity is the smart move for advisors looking to cash in on some of the biggest packages ever from top regional and national broker-dealers. 

The Free Lunch Myth

Leveraging the services of a transition consultant like 3xEquity costs you nothing.  You receive all of the value of “faster, better, smarter” and you pay us zero.  Weary of the old saying “theirs no such thing as a free lunch”? Don’t be.  We get paid by the firm you move to, and our compensation package in no way impacts your transition package.  The money comes from two different pockets.  Again, you pay us nothing and you reap all of the benefits (including our inside knowledge and understanding that helps you get an even bigger transition package than you would likely have received on your own).

Curious to get started?  Complete the form below.

Curious about a move?
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Transition packages from top regional and national broker-dealers like LPL, Ameriprise, Wells Fargo, RBC, Cetera, Dynasty, UBS, and more.