Breaking Away For A Better Business

  • Prioritizing Your Clients
  • Custom-Built Technology
  • The Big Pay Bump
If you’re a wirehouse advisor that’s been considering breaking away, you’re in good company. Many have been in your shoes before and decided to make the move to independence to gain better control of their future and have the opportunity to earn more money. With the right guidance, the move to independence is well within reach — the key is being prepared. While wirehouses use to be the most compelling option for advisors to make their home, the tides have turned in the independent space’s favor and many broker-dealers are building their ranks with wirehouse breakaways. Some wirehouse breakaways are opting to start their own RIA, gaining more independence, and taking on all the responsibility that comes with business ownership. Others are opting to partner with an IBD that offers robust technology platforms, investment management, compliance support, and marketing. As an industry-leading Transition Specialist, 3xEquity knows the multitude of options and offers that breakaways can entertain and be enticed by. The key to making the right decision is having a complete understanding of all the offers, including the nuanced language, and gaining insight into the culture of your potential new home. We not only help you with both, but we also guide you through the entire process and at no cost to you! If you’re looking to break free and leave the wirehouse to build a better business and brighter tomorrow, here are 3xEquities’ Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Independence: Your Clients Will Always Come First We’ve heard it all before. Some wirehouse advisors feel they are forced to put their firm’s agenda ahead of their clients and their own. From pushing products to meeting quotas, wirehouse advisors can find themselves feeling like their clients’ best interests aren’t always at heart or could be potentially better served. Breaking away means you can find a new home where you have greater control and fulfill your fiduciary obligations, better serving your clients and always putting them first. 
Digital Empowerment Over the years, the technology gap between wirehouses and the independent channel has been closing… with the independent side offering some clear advantages. Wirehouses typically have a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to technology, with some that are slow to adapt. Today’s broker-dealers are upping their game and offer robust and flexible tech stacks that rival the biggest of the wirehouses. So going the independent route not only means you can get more robust technology, but you also have the ability and flexibility to customize it to fit your needs and enhance the client experience. Higher Payout While it may not be an advisor’s top priority, earning potential is always near the top of the list and is a primary factor to consider when looking to make a move. Plenty of wirehouse advisors feel like more than half their payout goes to the wirehouse instead of a greater portion going into their pockets. With the current competition among broker-dealers to win breakaways, transitioning to independence comes with the opportunity to negotiate a big boost in your compensation and get that amazing recruitment deal. Making the move to independence from a wirehouse is no small move. That’s why you should have a Transition Specialist, like 3xEquity, by your side showing you the ropes and helping you find the right home for your business. You can expect to get multiple offers from top-of-the-line broker-dealers that are ready to put you and your clients first in a matter of days.  Working with 3xEquity also means you stay 100% anonymous, taking away the risk of exploring your options. We handle the heavy lifting, giving you insights into the best offers so you can make an informed decision and find a better home for your business. It’s time to take control of your business and future today and discover your path to independence. To learn more and get started, complete the form below.
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