Being Thankful And Fortifying

For many advisors, the year has been a challenging one. Clients have needed extra handholding, portfolios have taken a hit, and the amount of time they’ve put into keeping things running smoothly has been extreme. Some have been happy with the support they received from the broker-dealer. Others may not be as thankful as they would have hoped to be. And still, others are not satisfied and are looking to make a change.

No matter where your own experiences with your broker-dealer may fall, it is important to take stock of your career and success to date. You shouldn’t have to wait until the wheels come off the wagon to know it’s time to make a change. Nor should you be complacent and simply be satisfied with the current home for your business without knowing whether a better option is out there. After all, hard work and determination have gotten you where you are today and to be truly thankful means doing best by your clients and yourself. 

As an industry-leading Transition Consultant, 3xEquity knows that it is during this time of year that many advisors make the decision to explore their options and see what other broker-dealer offers are out there. It’s only natural to assess and review where you are at in your career this time of year—no matter the market conditions. As we think about family, friends, holidays, and the coming new year, we can more clearly see the changes that are needed so we can do better by those we love and support.

Simply put, you shouldn’t settle for something less than ideal—it’s time to fortify and plan for greater success. You’ve gained your client’s respect and trust—and helped them weather the recent storms. If concerns over whether they will follow you to a new home are keeping you from looking, you are selling yourself short. In fact, according to our 2022 Advisor Survey, the majority of respondents were able to move over 85% of their AUM to their new broker-dealer. With us by your side, you can easily plan your own big move and see what new broker-dealer services, support, and paydays are out there.

Remember, if you think exploring your options will cost you lots of time and money, it won’t, at least not when you work with 3xEquity. We do all the heavy lifting, from identifying your unique needs to securing multiple offers to helping you negotiate the best deal. And our fees are covered by the new broker-dealer you choose to call your new home. So, there is no reason to hold off on fortifying your career now. If you end up finding your current home is the best place for you, you can be thankful and rest easy. But if a better or perfect fit is within your reach, now is the time to consider your options. 

In a matter of days, we will help you secure offers from leading national, regional, and local broker-dealers—all while you stay 100% anonymous. From there, we help you understand the terms of the deals, develop a shortlist of potential new broker-dealers to interview, and then help you negotiate the best deal. So be thankful for what you have and let 3xEquity help you explore how much more may be out there. Fill out the form below to get the conversation started… and remember, a brighter future is just a click away!

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