21 Questions You’ll Almost Certainly Be Asked During Your Transition

If you’re considering moving to a new broker dealer you may be asking yourself what bits of information you will need to provide a prospective BD in order to get the best, most accurate offer.

We’ve put together a quick graphic to show 21 pieces of information you will almost certainly need to have access to ahead of your transition.


Having a transition consultant on your team provides the easiest path to a successful transition, and our services are free to you (BDs have a separate budget for recruitment costs and our compensation in no way impacts your deal – in fact, we’ve found we can help advisors push the upper limits of offers, empowering them to get the biggest offer possible).

If you are curious about receiving multiple offers all while remaining 100% anonymous, complete the form below to get started.  A member of our team will reach out to you with initial offers within 2-3 business days.

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