The Secret to a Great Life…

A lot of us have been attending high school and college graduations lately and I wanted to share a profound experience I had at one the other day.

The speaker broke down a really complicated topic – How to have a great life – and made it at simple as this.

A great life starts out by having a great day.  A bunch of great days make for a great week.  A few great weeks make a great month.  A series of great months makes for a great year and a string of great years make for a great life.

The next day at work I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. The simple reflection on making it a great day instantly changed my perspective. I am 55 years old and a high school graduation talk may have changed me. Now I’m not certain this wisdom will have the same effect on you, but my guess is you and I are a lot a like

I’m typically a positive, glass is half full guy.  But this simple wisdom made my perspective of the glass as 3/4 full.

The secret to a great life is right there in front of us.  In the choices we make in the next moment, hour, days and weeks.  No need to overcomplicate it.  Just start now.

Jeff Crosby

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