The Hidden Price Tag Of Transitions

  • The Hidden Costs of Change
  • Minimizing the Expense of Transitioning
  • Embrace the future… Transition and Evolve 

 Change is inevitable. For better or for worse, it happens. Just think about how much change has occurred in the past year and a half. Now, focus on the change it brought to the financial services industry — client meetings went virtual, advisors saw their morning commutes disappear, zoom meetings suddenly fill their calendars, and everyone had (and still has) an increasing need for tech, digital processes, and integration. 

All these changes forced advisors to take a closer look at their own situation and evaluate where they are now and where they want to be in the future. Within this environment of disruption and change, many advisors found themselves looking for a change themselves — in the way of a new broker-dealer. 

If you’re in this camp and searching for the next firm to call home, it’s important to consider how much your business will (or will not) change as a result. Long-term success typically means having the right people, technology, products, and more to ensure all your clients’ needs are being met and you have the time to focus on existing relationships and new areas for growth. 

Changing broker-dealers is an important decision — one that may entail having to change, modify or tweak some aspects of your business. Also, be aware that some transitions come with different offers layered in varying terms and ways of describing services — so much so, that there may be a hidden cost (or two) that go unnoticed…unless you have guidance. The new broker-dealer also might not offer all the products and services you previously had access to, putting a potential negative strain on some of your client relationships. You might also find yourself having to change important parts of your business to fit the platform that the broker-dealer has in place. You need the right fit – not a one size fits all – and that’s where 3xEquity shines!

Exposing and minimizing hidden costs and fully understanding terms and services should be on an advisor’s mind as they start looking at potential broker-dealers. Making sure a potential firm will meet you halfway (or more) to help accommodate your business and bring about the change needed to help boost your business can go a long way in reducing anxiety over any hidden costs or restrictions.

3xEquity is here to help ensure you find the broker-dealer that’s the right fit for you and minimize the costs of making a change for the better. We want you to feel good about what’s ahead and that’s why we’ll be by your side the entire way. We not only act as your sounding board and your biggest supporter – we can get you 3 qualified offers from leading broker-dealers in just days, all while you stay anonymous. 

Click here to get the process started today. 

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Transition packages from top regional and national broker-dealers like LPL, Ameriprise, Wells Fargo, RBC, Cetera, Dynasty, UBS, and more.