The Crash Finally Happened

The other morning I was out on my bike training for my 21st Ironman Triathlon.

Going 30mph.


My front tire blows.

My brakes don’t work.

Here we go.

It’s decision time – crash headlong into those mailboxes or go into a long, painful slide.

Slide wins and my body has the scars to show for it.

In triathlons crashes are inevitable. There aren’t many in the ranks that don’t have their own story to share. But competitors get up, heal wounds, get back on the bike and keep moving forward.

As financial advisors, crashes are inevitable too. We are paid to perform at a high level and no one’s gonna feel sorry for us when things go wrong. We need to get up, heal relationships, move forward and do the very best job for our clients.

As I hopped on my bike this morning I paused for a second to think about my crash, looked at my scabs and then pushed off. I’ll carry with me lessons from the other day as I get stronger and faster on the way to my next triathlon.

If you’ve hit a bump in the road in your practice I hope you’ll do the same.


ps: Race day is coming up July 29th. Follow along on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages for updates.

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