Seeing The Big Picture Of Your Business

  • Finding New Opportunities for Growth
  • Evaluating Your Current Situation
  • Exploring All Your Options

Making the decision to switch broker-dealers isn’t one that advisors take lightly. It takes time and careful consideration to make the right move to a new broker-dealer, as well as plan to make sure the transition goes smoothly. With clients taking top priority in the day-to-day workload of an advisor, the thought of making a transition is often pushed to the back of their mind and, most often, won’t come to the forefront unless the advisor is truly unhappy. 

Therein lies the rub. If you don’t spend enough time working on your business, by only dedicating your time to working in your business, you won’t be aware of the opportunities that you could currently pursue. Additionally, if you wait until you’re dissatisfied or unhappy, the timeline to make a big move gets compressed and you may be at a serious disadvantage having to rush through a process that is too important to leave to chance. That’s why transition consultants like 3xEquity are here. We give you a clear view of the big picture so you can see your opportunities today. We can also help you with seeing others perceive your book of business.

As the industry continues to evolve and advisors continue to focus on their books of business more as a business unto themselves, advisors need to take a step back and see their opportunities clearly. It can help them identify areas where they need help and opportunities for new growth, as well as determine if their current broker-dealer aligns with what they’re trying to achieve. 

As you take a step back and look at the big picture of your business, here are 5 questions for you to consider.

  1. Am I accomplishing all that I want to?
  2. Is my current firm helping or hurting my ability to grow my business and achieve my goals?
  3. What support do I need in order to grow my business and achieve my goals?
  4. Are there changes I would like to make to my business?
  5. If I could make a move at the snap-of-a-finger, would I?

Taking a look within and answering these questions honestly can not only help you identify gaps in your business that need to be filled, but it might help you realize that you’re not reaching your full potential with your current broker-dealer. If you answered no to the first question or yes to the last question, it might be worthwhile to look into making a change. 

3xEquity can help you evaluate all your options. In a few days, we can get you multiple offers from top national and regional broker-dealers– all while you stay anonymous. We’ll then help you comb through the offers, come to understand the terms of the deals, and narrow down your list of which ones to further explore. As you meet with these broker-dealers and learn more about what they have to offer, you’ll get a better look at where your current firm stands. At the end of the day, you might discover that you’re already in the right spot – or maybe seeing the big picture will result in your own big move. With our free, zero-risk process, you owe it to yourself to explore all your options.

Get started by completing the form below.

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Transition packages from top regional and national broker-dealers like LPL, Ameriprise, Wells Fargo, RBC, Cetera, Dynasty, UBS, and more.