The Elephant In The Room – Going Independent

One of the biggest changes that came with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic was the switch to working from home. We all found ourselves no longer making a commute into the office and instead “commuting” from our beds to our kitchen tables, desks, or whatever other creative setup people have turned to.  he current environment, many firms have been slow to reopen offices, and others are still trying to figure out what exactly a return to the office will look like. Will it go back to how it was pre-pandemic? Many doubt it. Will employees have the flexibility to work from home once or twice a week? Many hope so.

After adjusting to life working from home, many advisors have made it clear that they don’t want to go back to the office. Working from home has given them more flexibility with their schedule, and many have found a greater work-life balance because of it. 

With that in mind, it’s time for advisors to address the elephant in the room: If you’re already working from home, why don’t you just go independent?

For a lot of advisors, fear is what keeps them from exploring going independent. But the reality is, most advisors are working in a virtual independent model due to the pandemic and the work from home orders. And with today’s technology, it’s never been easier to go independent. The pandemic has given non-independent advisors a taste of the independent life. And for many, the flexibility that comes with independence is attractive. 

If there was ever a time to consider going independent, it’s now. Our current environment has shown advisors that there’s no reason to fear going independent. Working from home has proven just how possible it is for every advisor. 

If you’re ready to address the elephant in the room and consider going independent, check out our webinar “How COVID Made Everyone An Independent” with Cetera’s John Pierce.

Thinking it’s time to go independent? Click here to find out more about your options.

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