Taking The Leap

It’s a classic scene – a kid at the pool braving the high dive for the first time. They muster up the courage to climb the ladder to the top only to realize just how high it really is. They’re afraid, ready to turn around and retreat back to safety only to find the next person already halfway up the ladder. And even though they’ve made it through half the battle just getting up there, they aren’t willing to take the leap.

kids on diving board

We see the same thing with advisors, day in and day out. Making a move to a new broker-dealer is something they want and on their minds, yet fear and/or anxiety keeps them from taking the leap. We all know, just like the high dive, that taking the final step is doable and that tons of other advisors have made successful moves to a new broker-dealer. They might blame the maze of risks and compliance issues that they may face, even though those have been tamed and are no longer an obstacle. They may worry about client transitions, even though they have been streamlined. Advisors want to take the leap and make the big splash, so what’s holding them back?

We recently conducted our 2021 Financial Advisor Transition Survey, asking over 500 advisors about their transition experience over the past year. All advisors will tell you that there’s always a bit of risk involved with moving to a new broker-dealer, but after all, no risk means no reward. Our report found that 88.8% of the respondents had no regrets about their decision to take the leap and make a switch to a new home for their business. 

So, with roughly 89% of advisors taking the leap, why aren’t you? How much more convincing do you need when chances are you’ll be happy with your decision, just as a majority of advisors are? So you’re looking out over the pool, about 10 feet up. The water below gleams with the promise of success. You’ve seen countless advisors take the leap. 3xEquity is here to help make sure you have the support you need when it’s time for you to springboard to success by moving to a new broker-deal. 

3xEquity was built with the sole purpose of helping advisors confidently find a new home for their business. We can help you secure multiple offers from the top broker-dealers all while you stay 100% anonymous, taking out some of the risk associated with switching.

Click here to take the next step to a brighter future… come on in, the water’s fine!

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