The Journey To Independence – Is It Worth The Cost?

  • To breakaway or not to breakaway
  • Hear what independent advisors have to say
  • Independence with no regrets

The year of independence is upon us. Whether advisors liked it or not, many found themselves
acting as independent advisors last year, even if they hadn’t officially broken away. Our webinar with Cetera’s John Pierce goes in depth about all the ways that COVID has allowed for
advisors to be pseudo-independent, even when still linked to wirehouses.

But with this newfound feeling of independence, advisors’ appetite for independence has increased — and, that begs the question of what happens when the dust has settled.

Year after year, the breaking away is becoming more and more popular, yet some advisors still
have reservations about making the journey to independence.

However, they’re constantly wondering, especially after their recent taste of independence, if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and if it’s time to breakaway.

It’s time to find out!

While there’s no right or wrong answer and every advisor has their own unique circumstances,
Dynasty Financial Partners is making a compelling argument for breaking away.

They recently released their 2021 Dynasty Breakaway Survey that polled a group of breakaway advisors about their experiences going independent. And seeing the results might just be the boost of confidence advisors need to decide to go fully independent.

Here are some of the top insights from the survey:

  • 96% of advisors agree they have better relationships with their clients since going independent
  • 91% of advisors stated they have more freedom to focus on the unique needs of their clients
  • 91% of advisors found that their resource partners are providing more value in
    comparison to what they had prior to breaking away
  • 100% of advisors agreed that they have a greater opportunity to build equity value in their business

And the most captivating statistic of them all… 100% of advisors said that the independence was worth it, and they would do it all over again in a heartbeat. They all acknowledged the hurdles and challenges that come with independence, and yet none of them regret their decision.

Thinking it’s time to break free? We can get you multiple offers in just a few days, all while you stay 100% anonymous.

Click here to find out more about your options to break free.

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