Are You Hiring College Students?

College students can be an affordable way to try out new talent and to get those overlooked, lower priority tasks finally finished. Are you hiring students?

You should be.student-students_hiring

College students are less expensive than full-time employees, especially if you hire someone on a work-study program (you will receive a government reimbursement for their work).

College students are not only hungry to learn, especially if you find someone interested in or majoring in business or economics, but they are also used to learning. They are coming from an environment where learning new material is their job and they will carry those skills over to your office.

College students, in addition to being willing and able to learn, have little to unlearn. They are typically not bringing along an incompatible corporate culture from their previous working experience, because they don’t have that work experience.

College students are also more willing to do necessary grunt work and thankless assignments. Every project is an opportunity for them to learn. And while certain types of grunt work, such as filing, can be done by even younger people, in general, college students have a stronger work ethic than high school students.

College students are still asking questions: why do you do this task this way? This can be an opportunity to review your current processes and to take advantage of the very latest information coming out of our universities to improve those processes.

If you have not hired college students yet for your business, start today!

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