Steal This (Seminar) Idea

In 1996, Bill Gates famously announced “Content is King”, and the current pandemic has pushed that axiom to its limits, with quarantine driving spikes in internet usage and families looking for anything to watch now that they’ve reached the end of the Netflix library.

Producing content is no easy task – you may have produced pieces that didn’t find an audience or yield results you had expected.  One piece that is a winner for us has made the leap to online seamlessly and it is something you can implement in short order.

Financial literacy  is  a big issue in our society. Talking about money is often taboo – even in families – and so many kids and teens enter “the real world” ill-prepared for  decisions about their finances.

A few times a year we host a series of in-person events  in our community called “Kids, Parents and Money.”  In these sessions we break down the basics of personal finance, from saving to investing, with an eye towards base-level comprehension and easily deployed strategies.

Moving these seminars online was a no-brainer.  Online the seminar can be paused and families can focus on sections  of the presentation and discuss their own feelings and insights..

Like our “Market Volatility Webinars” (see link), the seminars  enable multiple touchpoints with clients. From email invitations, to the event itself, and after with follow-up emails and referrals to other families.

Develop a 20-25 minute presentation on the basics of financial literacy and then fire up your marketing efforts. Email clients (and suggest that they invite friends to attend).  Be certain you know your presentation tools (whether Zoom, UberConference, Google Meet.).

Save room for Q&A, get creative with quizzes, and encourage audience participation.

Keep track of your efforts and how they play out over the long term.  Seminars like this have a long tail, and oftentimes are measured most in the loyalty your  clients have towards you and  your practice.

What ideas for engaging with clients have worked for you during these times?  We’d love to hear about them. Continue the conversation in the comments section.


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