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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a transition consultant cost?

Our services are provided free to advisors. That’s right, there is no cost to add our expertise to your team for this very important career step. We are compensated by the firm you move to and our compensation in no way impacts your transition package.

When is the right time to move?

Deciding to move is a very personalized decision, one made easier with the assistance of a transition consultant. We can help you identify your real wants/needs, help you determine if they are or can be met by your current firm, and help you find your best fit with a new firm.

How long does it take to transition to a new Broker Dealer?

That depends on your practice and where you are going, but assume a minimum of 3 months and up to 9 months. Utilizing the services of a transition consultant helps ensure the process stays on track and goes as swiftly as possible, creating a positive experience for you and your clients.

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